
[Gesture Event]

TouchInputMapper에서는 단순히 finger 터치 외에도 stylus, gesture 등을 처리합니다.
그 중 이번에는 Gesture event에 대해 알아보려 합니다.


Gesture를 가공하는 가장 중요한 메소드는 preparePointerGestures 입니다.
preparePointerGestures만 알면 Gesture가 어떻게 가공되는지 알 수 있습니다.

sstruct PointerGesture {
      enum class Mode {
      NEUTRAL, // 0
      TAP,  // 1
      TAP_DRAG, // 2
      HOVER, // 4
      PRESS, // 5
      SWIPE, // 6
      FREEFORM, // 7
      QUIET, // 8


앞서 CookAndDispatch에서 POINTER일경우 PointerUsage판단해 넘겨준다.

void TouchInputMapper::cookAndDispatch(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime) {
    // Dispatch the touches either directly or by translation through a pointer on screen.
    if (mDeviceMode == DeviceMode::POINTER) {
    	if (!mCurrentCookedState.stylusIdBits.isEmpty()) {
        } else if (!mCurrentCookedState.fingerIdBits.isEmpty() ||
                   isPointerDown(mCurrentRawState.buttonState)) {
            pointerUsage = PointerUsage::GESTURES;

        dispatchPointerUsage(when, readTime, policyFlags, pointerUsage);


받은 pointerUsage에 따라 dispatchPointer로 전달.

void TouchInputMapper::dispatchPointerUsage(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags, PointerUsage pointerUsage) {
    if (pointerUsage != mPointerUsage) {
        abortPointerUsage(when, readTime, policyFlags);
        mPointerUsage = pointerUsage;

    switch (mPointerUsage) {
        case PointerUsage::GESTURES:
            dispatchPointerGestures(when, readTime, policyFlags, false /*isTimeout*/);
        case PointerUsage::STYLUS:
            dispatchPointerStylus(when, readTime, policyFlags);
        case PointerUsage::MOUSE:
            dispatchPointerMouse(when, readTime, policyFlags);
        case PointerUsage::NONE:


preparePointerGestures에서 성공적으로 받으면, 동작을 진행하고 아니면 끝낸다.
preparePointerGestures에서 cancelPreviousGesture, finishPreviousGesture 또한 동작하는데 cancel일 경우 돌아와서 cancel을 보내고, finish일 경우에만 dispatchMotion으로 값을 보낸다. Gesture 주요동작은 preparePointerGesture에서 결정된다고 보면 된다.

void TouchInputMapper::dispatchPointerGestures(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags, bool isTimeout) {
// Update current gesture coordinates.
    bool cancelPreviousGesture, finishPreviousGesture;
    bool sendEvents = preparePointerGestures(when, &cancelPreviousGesture, &finishPreviousGesture, isTimeout);

    if (!sendEvents) {
    if (finishPreviousGesture) {
        cancelPreviousGesture = false;
// Update the pointer presentation and spots.
    if (mParameters.gestureMode == Parameters::GestureMode::MULTI_TOUCH) {
        if (finishPreviousGesture || cancelPreviousGesture) {

        if (mPointerGesture.currentGestureMode == PointerGesture::Mode::FREEFORM) {
                          mPointerGesture.currentGestureIdBits, mPointerController->getDisplayId());
    } else {

// Show or hide the pointer if needed.
// PointerController->hide하는 부분 (생략)

    // cancelPreviousGesture이었다면 모든 포인터에 CANCEL 보냄.
    BitSet32 dispatchedGestureIdBits(mPointerGesture.lastGestureIdBits);
    if (!dispatchedGestureIdBits.isEmpty()) {
        if (cancelPreviousGesture) {
        dispatchMotion(when, readTime, policyFlags, mSource,AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL, 0,flags, metaState, buttonState, AMOTION_EVENT_EDGE_FLAG_NONE, mPointerGesture.lastGestureProperties, mPointerGesture.lastGestureCoords, mPointerGesture.lastGestureIdToIndex, dispatchedGestureIdBits, -1, 0, 0,mPointerGesture.downTime);
        } else {
            BitSet32 upGestureIdBits;
            // finishPreviousGesture었다면  dispatchMotion으로 값 전달.
            if (finishPreviousGesture) {
                upGestureIdBits = dispatchedGestureIdBits;
            } else {
                upGestureIdBits.value =
                        dispatchedGestureIdBits.value & ~mPointerGesture.currentGestureIdBits.value;
            while (!upGestureIdBits.isEmpty()) {
                uint32_t id = upGestureIdBits.clearFirstMarkedBit();

dispatchMotion(when, readTime, policyFlags, mSource,AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP, 0, flags,metaState,buttonState,AMOTION_EVENT_EDGE_FLAG_NONE,mPointerGesture.lastGestureProperties,mPointerGesture.lastGestureCoords,mPointerGesture.lastGestureIdToIndex,dispatchedGestureIdBits, id, 0,0, mPointerGesture.downTime);


먼저 Gesture Timeout에 관하여 handling을 한다.
이후 velocity update 해줌으로써 좌표계산을 하고 case문으로 각 Gesture에 맞게 가공을 합니다.

bool TouchInputMapper::preparePointerGestures(nsecs_t when, bool* outCancelPreviousGesture,bool* outFinishPreviousGesture, bool isTimeout) {
    *outCancelPreviousGesture = false;
    *outFinishPreviousGesture = false;

// Gesture가 timeout일 경우 TAP 조건 외에 모두 false.
if (isTimeout) {
      if (mPointerGesture.lastGestureMode == PointerGesture::Mode::TAP) {
            if (when <= mPointerGesture.tapUpTime + mConfig.pointerGestureTapDragInterval) {
                // The tap/drag timeout has not yet expired.
                getContext()->requestTimeoutAtTime(mPointerGesture.tapUpTime +
            } else {
                // The tap is finished.
                *outFinishPreviousGesture = true;

                mPointerGesture.activeGestureId = -1;
                mPointerGesture.currentGestureMode = PointerGesture::Mode::NEUTRAL;

                return true;

        // We did not handle this timeout.
        return false;

const uint32_t currentFingerCount = mCurrentCookedState.fingerIdBits.count();
const uint32_t lastFingerCount = mLastCookedState.fingerIdBits.count();

      // Update the velocity tracker.
      std::vector<VelocityTracker::Position> positions;
      for (BitSet32 idBits(mCurrentCookedState.fingerIdBits); !idBits.isEmpty();) {
            uint32_t id = idBits.clearFirstMarkedBit();
            const RawPointerData::Pointer& pointer =
            float x = pointer.x * mPointerXMovementScale;
            float y = pointer.y * mPointerYMovementScale;
            positions.push_back({x, y});
      mPointerGesture.velocityTracker.addMovement(when, mCurrentCookedState.fingerIdBits,

1. mCurrentRawState.rawPointerData.pointerForId(id) 좌표를 가져옴.
2. mPointerXMovementScale , mPointerYMovementScale 곱해줘서 좌표 정의
3. VelocityTracker x,y 집어넣음
4. velocityTracker.addMovement으로 전달

 gesture 가공하기전에 isQuietTime으로 제스쳐가 유효한건지 선 체크
 Press, SWIPE, FREEFORM 경우 fingerCount <2 이하면 해당 제스쳐가 아니므로 isQuietTime = true;
 그외 제스쳐가 fingerCount >2 이면 해당 제스쳐가 아니므로 isQuietTime = true;
bool isQuietTime = false;
    if (activeTouchId < 0) {
    } else {
        isQuietTime = when < mPointerGesture.quietTime + mConfig.pointerGestureQuietInterval;
        if (!isQuietTime) {
            if ((mPointerGesture.lastGestureMode == PointerGesture::Mode::PRESS ||
                 mPointerGesture.lastGestureMode == PointerGesture::Mode::SWIPE ||
                 mPointerGesture.lastGestureMode == PointerGesture::Mode::FREEFORM) &&
                currentFingerCount < 2) {
                // Enter quiet time when exiting swipe or freeform state.
                // This is to prevent accidentally entering the hover state and flinging the
                // pointer when finishing a swipe and there is still one pointer left onscreen.
                isQuietTime = true;
            } else if (mPointerGesture.lastGestureMode ==
                               PointerGesture::Mode::BUTTON_CLICK_OR_DRAG &&
                       currentFingerCount >= 2 && !isPointerDown(mCurrentRawState.buttonState)) {
                // Enter quiet time when releasing the button and there are still two or more
                // fingers down.  This may indicate that one finger was used to press the button
                // but it has not gone up yet.
                isQuietTime = true;
            if (isQuietTime) {
                mPointerGesture.quietTime = when;

// 각 Case에 맞게 Gesture 가공
if (isTimeout) {
// Case 1: Quiet time. (QUIET)
else if (isPointerDown(mCurrentRawState.buttonState)) {
// Case 2: Button is pressed. (BUTTON_CLICK_OR_DRAG)
else if (currentFingerCount == 0) {
// Case 3. No fingers down and button is not pressed. (NEUTRAL)
else if (currentFingerCount == 1) {
// Case 4. Exactly one finger down, button is not pressed. (HOVER or TAP_DRAG)
// Case 5. At least two fingers down, button is not pressed. (PRESS, SWIPE or FREEFORM)


 return true;